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1.7-轴LDI曝光机, 完全配备空心杯直线电机,用于直接驱动控制, 消除齿槽效应, allowing for smooth operation at low speeds (最小速度波动). 2.采用高精度直线导轨. 3.配备非接触式高精度光学编码器, 提供出色的动态性能, 定位精度, 和重复性. 4.具有高精度光栅位置反馈. 5.全量程重复精度小于±1.5μm. 6.定位精度小于±2.5μm. 7.通常与高精度升降轴配合使用 (Z轴). 8.配置方面可根据客户要求定制, 旅行, 加载, 和特殊结构.

  • 产品详情

(Laser Direct Imaging Exposure Machine) is equipment used in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs). It utilizes laser beams to project circuit patterns onto photosensitive material, forming the desired circuit design. The LDI exposure machine is characterized by its high precision, speed, and efficiency, significantly improving the quality and productivity of PCB manufacturing. 此外, it enables the production of multilayer circuit boards, catering to the needs of various customers.

1.High Precision: Advanced laser technology enables extremely high exposure accuracy and resolution, ensuring the precision and quality of PCBmanufacturing.
2.高效率: The rapid exposure process enhances production efficiency in PCB manufacturing, reducing the overall production cycle.
3.Digitization: The digital exposure method allows for direct image generation from digital files, eliminating multiple intermediate steps in traditionalexposure processes and improving workflow efficiency.
4.Flexibility: It can be customized according to different PCB design requirements, making it suitable for various types of PCB manufacturing, offering highflexibility and adaptability.

中风900 毫米1350 毫米20 毫米1195 毫米
加载120 公斤≥ 55KG+Z-axisweight≥ 55KG3(Side mounted)
Encoder resolution0.1 一0.1 一20 一0.1 一
Minimum step size0.5 一0.5 一/0.5 一
Linear Positioning Accuracy±2.5 um±2.5 um±15 um±2.5 um
双向重复性±1.5 um±1.5 um±8 um±1.5 um
Horizontal Straightness±8 um±5 um±5 um±10 um
Vertical Straightness±12 um±12 um±5 um±10 um
偏航5 弧秒5 弧秒20 弧秒±15 um
沥青10 弧秒10 弧秒For a point located 300mm from the center in the X and Y directions, during a 20mm movement along the Z-axis, the maximum error in the Z direction is ±30μm./
roll10 弧秒//±10 um
偏航±2.5 弧秒/50mm///

The LDI exposure machine is a crucial technology in the PCB manufacturing industry and has broad application prospects. It is widely used in industrial projects that demand high precision and efficiency, such as : Laser manufacturing / Optical component manufacturing / Mechanical manufacturing /Photosensitive material manufacturing / PCB manufacturing / Electronics manufacturing / Communication equipment manufacturing

1.7-轴LDI曝光机, 完全配备空心杯直线电机,用于直接驱动控制, 消除齿槽效应, allowing for smooth operation at lowspeeds (最小速度波动).
3.配备非接触式高精度光学编码器, 提供出色的动态性能, 定位精度, 和重复性.
7.通常与高精度升降轴配合使用 (Z轴).
8.配置方面可根据客户要求定制, 旅行, 加载, 和特殊结构.



