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1.Gantry Structure: High stability. 2.Low Abbe Error: Ensures precision in measurements. 3.Compact Platform Structure: Offers strong driving capabilities. 4.Customizable: Can be tailored to customer requirements regarding configuration, travel range, 負載能力, 和特殊結構.

  • 產品詳情

A LED chip inspection stage is an important device used for quality inspection of LED panels. It ensures that the appearance, performance, and reliability of LED panels meet the required standards through a series of technical methods. These platforms typically consist of key components such as a frame, LED boards, optical components, vacuum rods, and positioning rods. They are designed to perform appearance inspections on LCD panels of different sizes, offering good versatility and high detection efficiency.

1.Precision Linear Guide Rail: 確保運動平穩準確.
2.Coreless Motor: Provides high efficiency and reduced vibration.
3.Ultra-High Speed Stability: Maintains consistent performance at high speeds.
4.Compatibility with Large Travel, 高精度, and Heavy Loads: Designed to handle a wide range of applications with accuracy and strength.
5.Extra-Large Inspection Area: Capable of inspecting large surfaces efficiently.
6.Customizable Models: Available in various models to accommodate both small and large generations of production lines.

載入30 公斤12 公斤12 公斤30 公斤12 公斤
定位精度+/- (3+L/250) 一+/- 15 一+/- 15 一12 毫米12 毫米
Linear Shaft Length3140 毫米2000毫米2000毫米
Sliding Table Length890 毫米230 毫米230毫米
Resolution5 nm or better0.1um or better0.1um or better0.2 一0.2 一
加速0.5G (Average)@ 66.7% Jerk0.5G (Average)@ 66.7% Jerk0.25G (Average)@ 66.7% Jerk50 mm/sec^250 mm/sec^2
速度1000 mm/s(Max)1000 mm/s (Max)1000mm/s (Max)
Speed Fluctuation0.2% Max @Velocity = 400mm/s
Repeat Positioning Accuracy+/-1 一+/-1 一+/-1 一+/- 1 一+/- 0.1 一
垂直直線度+/-15 一+/-10 一+/- 12 um over full range
水平直線度+/- 2 um over
200mm+/- 15 一
over full range
+/-10 一+/- 10 一
Settling Time200 msec @ 0.2um p-p200 msec @0.2um p-p200 msec @0.2um p-p

This type of detection platform not only solves the inspection challenges in the panel industry but also extends its applications into the semiconductor industry through the display panel sector, offering vast potential in downstream markets. As display technology advances towards Micro LED technology, such high-precision detection platforms will become a crucial support for future display technologies.
It is particularly suitable for the inspection of LED chips in large panel manufacturing industries.

1.Gantry Structure: High stability.
2.Low Abbe Error: Ensures precision in measurements.
3.Compact Platform Structure: Offers strong driving capabilities.
4.Customizable: Can be tailored to customer requirements regarding configuration, travel range, 負載能力, 和特殊結構.



