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소식업계 뉴스

소형 고하중 Ironcore 브러시리스 선형 모터

H2W 엔지니어는 소형 고출력 브러시리스 리니어 모터를 개발했습니다.(BLSM-1F) 생성할 수 있는 300 파운드 [1330 N] 에 10% 듀티 사이클 및 100 파운드 [444 N] 에 100% 듀티 사이클, 일치하는 자석 트랙과 함께 사용하는 경우 (BLST-FSX). 코일 조립체의 질량은 다음과 같습니다. 19 파운드 [9 kg] which gives a force to moving mass ratio of 15:8.

The motor can be driven using either a trapezoidal or digital standard three-phase brushless amplifier. The brushless linear motor coil measures 6.53 in X 7.50 in x 1.50 in [170 mm x 190 mm x 38 mm]. This brushless linear motor is designed for applications that require a wide speed range and a relatively high force. This motor is encapsulated using high temperature 350°F [176℃] thermally conductive potting compound which protects the components and seals it from dust and moisture.

The 3-phase brushless linear motors, also known as an AC linear servo motors, are direct drive motors that are ideal for long stroke, closed loop servo, linear motion applications. They can be used at speeds up to 240 in/sec [6 m/sec]. They are capable of very precise position, velocity and acceleration control when coupled with a linear encoder for position feedback.

The laminated 3 phase wound coil assembly is used in conjunction with a linear magnet track to produce a controlled linear force. A customer supplied bearing system is required to maintain the .060 in [1.5 mm] air gap between the coil assembly and the magnet track. There is a relatively large attractive force between the motor coil and the magnet assembly. The magnet track consists of rare earth neodymium magnets and the require overall length is equal to the coil assembly length plus the stroke length.



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