深セン博志達精密機械有限公司,.Ltd. has a professional after-sales service team with over 50 production and research and development personnel. From conception to design, to dedicated tracking and team support services; It can meet the needs of a wide range of users 24/7. In order to better serve global customers.
We have established detailed customer profiles; We can provide professional services, including equipment installation, debugging, machine operator and administrator training, free technical support, 等.

Installation, debugging, and acceptance
We dispatch after-sales service engineers to assist with equipment installation and debugging. After the installation of each set of equipment, the after-sales service department will conduct a follow-up visit.

Technical information, warranty, and technical services
We provide customer training for operators and maintenance personnel, and offer free technical consulting services. We provide lifelong service for devices.

spare part service
We provide original, genuine, and high-quality spare parts for equipment maintenance. Our service is available 24/7.

Bozhida:+86 18719055298 微信:18719055298
We provide customer training for operators and maintenance personnel, and offer free technical consulting services. We provide lifelong service for devices.
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